How to Love the Job You Have
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Are you planning to leave your current position? Figuring out reasons to love it while you’re still there will help you transition out more smoothly. And if you’re not leaving because you have to stay for whatever reason, then it’s even more important to find the good where you are.
Why find the good if you’re leaving?
• You want to make sure you don’t burn any bridges. Leaving on a good note is important, and finding positive aspects of where you’re still working is one way to do that.
• Related, you want to make sure you get a good reference in the future from this employer. And as scary as it sounds, depending on your industry and how close knit it is, sometimes HR will make discreet inquiries of your current employer during your job search, if the personal relationships are in place to do so. Most employers recognize that turnover happens, but how you handle yourself during your search process is important.
• You want to make sure you attract what you want, not what you don’t want. This is an important part of the Law of Attraction, and not everyone views life through this lens. Nonetheless, no good can come from focusing on what you don’t want, whereas staying positive and focusing on what you do want can only bring more good things to you.
• You don’t want to be miserable everyday, so it’s better to find the positives where you are.
How do you find the positives if it’s a job you hate? And how do you do that if you have to remain there?
Try thinking of your situation this way:
• Why did you originally want to work there? Can you remember how excited you were when you first found out that you had the job?
• Do you like your co-workers? If your co-workers annoy you, do you like your boss? The boss of your boss? How about the mail room clerk? There must be at least one person you greet with a genuine smile. Focus on how good it is to see that person.
• Do you have great benefits, like healthcare and long paid holidays? Good salary? If you don’t have a good salary or good benefits, then do you have a lot of flexibility? Do you get to bring your child to work on some days? Is your company family friendly?
• What have you learned from your current position? Even if you’re now bored, you likely learned a lot along the way. List everything you learned and feel grateful for the opportunity.
• What can you do to make your job more interesting? Is there a class you can take? Can you learn another language? Can you seek out more challenging assignments? Can you get transferred to another department?
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• Do you get long lunch breaks? Do you have friends who work in nearby offices? Do you have a favorite lunch spot close by?
Basically, try to find some redeeming quality in the people or in your environment and keep your focus on the good.
What have you done to learn to love your job?
This is the first in a series about all things having to do with jobs and employment. Please let me know what else you’d like me to cover, and be sure to check back here every Tuesday for a new article about jobs.