
Feedback from readers and clients around the world!

The feedback listed anonymously came via personal emails from readers or clients, and in the interest of protecting their confidentiality, I did not want to list even a first name without permission.


• I loved receiving two separate Akashic consultations and had time to fully process all of the messages I received through Meg. Meg was inspiring and genuinely gave me messages that have opened my eyes! I feel unblocked and more positive than ever that I am being true to my soul’s purpose. Definitely planning on another consultation in the future! — Sandy D., Rochester, NY

• My Akashic Records reading with Meg was amazing! She was able to receive the messages that my guides were sending so clearly. There was past life issues that were holding me back from meeting my full potential that we were able to clear. There were also comforting messages to guide me through the phase of my life that I am going through. I am so grateful for the messages and the clearings. I felt so much better after my session. I am also so grateful that I found out about Meg. I will definitely schedule another session with her. She was so gentle in the way that she conveyed the messages that I felt completely supported and loved. I was comfortable divulging my circumstances with her because of this. I can’t speak highly enough of doing a session with her. It really helps to know that my guides are supporting me and to be able to have someone that can really reach into my records and perform this type of clearing. It is so worth it to have that kind of guidance. — Heather C.

• Today, I had a reading from Meg that was spot-on and provided me with the validation I needed regarding a deeply personal issue. Through Meg, I was able to receive helpful direction from the Guides, along with a couple of healing prayers to help me best manage the energy surrounding the issue we discussed. I am deeply grateful for the healing and direction today. Thank You ~~ Kimberly R., Chicago, IL

• Well so heart touching and motivated messages I hope you keep sending me more because it’s really impacting day to day knowledge into my daily life. Thanks for your wise saying and keep sending me more.  — Elton Yoko

• Thank you for your blog, it’s extremely helpful! — Yolanda Patterson

• I am very grateful to your advice. — Lateef Balogun

• I greatly appreciate you contribution in shaping my future. — Vital Nsengiyumva

• I have gone through some of your articles and have found them not only interesting but rather informative & practical too.  I look forward to receive more articles to read for information and practical purpose as well. —  Ghulam Muhammed Sheikh

• Thanks so much for making this information available. I look forward to paying it forward! — Lisa L.

• It helped me to change my mindset from negative thinking to positive thinking.  — Divya

• Thank you for opening up my mind on this subject. You have enlightened me.      — Raymond

• I am really greatful to you because your articles inspired me to set priorities and goals. To achieve something or goad without setting a strategy or plan is really likely to run without knowing the right direction and i have now realized this fact. Thank you. — Hafiz Usman

• Meg, you really inspired me for my new year’s resolutions. — Alemiga W.

• This is a wonderful idea. I am so impressed by it. I think it works. Keep it up.        — Adam

• Wonderful information and thank (you) very much. — Israel C

• You are doing wonderful job, your suggestions and ideas are very precious to a person who is in the process of personality grooming.

• Your posts are so enriching

• Thanking you very much for sharing useful tips. Today I allocated time to see your mail and sites and found very useful guidance.

• I love your articles, you have almost cover everything I can think of.

• Wow! congratulation! 4r your contribution in making my mind more bright, among what you said, there mistakes i used to make.

• Thanks very much for real you touched my heart and you open my mind to extent of becoming billionaire. I will make a serious followup to ensure all of my plan and goals achieved.

• tq for your kind advice im happy to receive all ur wonderfull quotes.  keep it up n tq once again.

• Thank you very much for sharpening my thinking, my mind is not all the same as I was before I read your mail.

• The message is very inspirational and I want you to keep on inspiring me. I am a business man, I love such messages.  God bless you abundantly. Thanks

• You make me inspire to get out from my confusion life. I really thank you so much and keep it your support……….

• I like your topics. Keep doing what you do.

• Your advice is very practical and real.

• Great nuggets here. Thanks.

• Your articles and videos are very informative, helpful and much appreciated.

• Thank you for the fast response! It in fact is already is enough proof or rather wonderful inspiration! I desperately need positivity in my life right now and you just gave me a very positive start indeed!

• Thanks for your thoughtful message. I appreciate the service you are rendering to the society. In fact I wish to do something similar. I strongly believe that life is meant for improving the lives of others so that the world becomes a better place to live.

• Am so impressed with it. Please add more. Thank you my dear.

• This really has helped me to realize what is important especially when it comes to serving.

• Thanx Meg….these words are really encouraging….God bless u

• You are really doing fantastic service. Very useful tips we get.  May God bless you and your service.